CNC Vertical Machining Centers
For Parts that require additional machining that we cannot perform on our lathes, our Miyano and Haas vertical machining centers enables Lakeside Screw Products as wider array of machining options. Milling, Drilling, Tapping, Thread Milling are possible on previously turned components, solid blanks, or even castings
CNC Vertical Machining Capabilities include:
Up To 52” x 18” Table Capacity
4 & 5 Axis Systems for Complex Jobs
Up to +/- .001” Tolerances Held on milled surfaces and hole diameters
Special Fixtures designed to produce your high-volume intricate work
Dual Table Systems for uninterrupted production
High-Pressure Coolant Systems Utilized
Robot Arm Loading & Unloading

Components that require tolerances to be achieved that we cannot perform on our lathes, our Sunnen and Cincinnati honing and grinding machines enables Lakeside Screw Products to make these components with ease and without expensive outsourcing. LSP can assemble components to lower on-hand inventory and ease your capacity restrictions.
Grinding and Honing and Assembly Capabilities include:
Up to 6” diameter Grinding and Honing Capacity
Up to .00008” Cylindricity achieved
.00005” Straightness and Roundness Achieved Regularly
+/- .00005” tolerance on diameter achieved regularly
√4 Ra Surface Finish Achieved Regularly
Up to 20 Ton Pneumatic & Hydraulic Presses utilized for assemblies

